Marvel Comics is releasing a new miniseries called "Civil War," which pits G.W. and the Patriot Act against some superheroes, including Captain America. According to this review, Congress has passed a bill requiring all superheroes to register as human weapons of mass destruction and to work for the White House.
To quote the write-up: "Hero is pitted against hero in the choice of whether or not to side with the government, as issues ranging from a Guantanamo-like prison camp for superheroes, embedded reporters and the power of media all play in the mix."
Sounds cool.. in fact, it sounds like just the right mix of politics, media issues, and superheroes for me. These are the hot issues of our time. To those of us who care, at least, we can live vicariously through the heroes as they battle it out. (Don't you just wish you had superpowers sometimes?)
I'll be interested to see if Marvel can deliver on their promise of remaining un-biased and still be able to deliver a political commentary that might spark discussions. Er... did I say discussions? I meant patriotism. Yeah.
Truly mix of certain combination and guess what we do require superheroes
captain america vs america that is weird he fights for america not against
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