Thursday, August 31, 2006

Issues Facing America

Prosper magazine is sponsoring a blog team to go to the event "All About Us." Cheech Marin, Tom Daschle, Dave Barry, Bob Dole (!) , Soledad O'Brien (CNN) and Thomas Ridge (Homeland Security) will be speaking on the issues that face America's future. I get to go... and blog!

For my first blog, I'll be discussing what I feel the important issues facing America are. So I thought I'd ask my readers: What are they?

I know what you're thinking. Lacey, come on, our steps to making this country better are obvious!
1. Get Dubya out of the White House.
2. Keep the Bushes out of the White House.
4. Profit!

What would make this country successful is if we actually practiced the democracy we're so gallantly forcing on everyone else. No Diebold voting machines. No Supreme Court picking the president. Our forefathers may have been afraid of the popular vote, but folks today are educated. Let's treat them that way!

...Wait... is one man The Issue facing America's future? I'd like to think the world will move on after 2008. In 2008 we'll have far more noble concerns than whether or not our president was "really" elected. Like, promoting fair trade in a largely capitalist world economy. Or maybe having a foreign policy that doesn't make us pretend to be Canadian when we travel. What do you think? What is The Issue we face?

My blog will be judged based on the quality of traffic I attract to the Web site, so please practice giving me feedback now. ;) Thanks!


  1. Wow, you got this up fast! I plan to post something tonight and then go to my "blog circle" and promote it. I haven't been getting too many hits lately because I have been too busy to give feedback in my comments or comment on my friends' blogs. Hopefully I can stir some of them up.

    I'm thinking about exploring motives and sincerity, although, at this point I really have no idea. I'll try it on tonight and see where it takes me.

    good luck -


  2. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I had no idea that this blog event was going to include such cool people. I think it's great that they're willing to show themselves for the internet media.
    I have to agree with you about the issues we face, or maybe it's just my anger calling out, saying that it's more important than it is.
    But America's hypocracy pisses me off. Hell, it pisses off the rest of the world, but none of the other countries make *too* much noise, because we have nukes.
    Or not, but that's how I feel about America. We're big, we're rich, we have the largest army in history, so our leaders run around acting like jerks and get away with it.
    I'd love a return to those good old days of wigs and wooden teeth, where at least the concept of honesty and fairness was alive.
    I don't think a country that proclaims to uphold diversity and freedom of religion, has a place for such a bible thumping president, not unless we're willing to listen to a Koran-thumping candidate.
    I could go on, but I won't.
    Lacey is much better at this than I am, so I'll continue to enjoy your blog, but I plan on commenting for you more often!

  3. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I agree with you Lacey! Since Bush Junior came into office, this country has been in a continuous downward spiral. Yet, unlike Dorothy’s house from the "Wizard of OZ," we haven’t landed in some beautiful, colorful utopia; rather we’ve entered the gates of hell.

    Every time you think it can’t get worse: the war on Iraq, the war on the environment, diebold machines (as Lacey astutely mentioned), the outing of a covert CIA agent, spying on Americans, the disaster of Katrina, something else pops up. A few weeks ago it was Bush trying to sell off 300,000 acres of our precious national forests; this week Bush is trying to alter the Geneva Conventions so he can torture our fellow human beings. (It doesn’t matter that it’s been proven, beyond a shadow of doubt, that torture does not generate anymore information than just having a civilized discussion with a detainee.)

    We need honest, fair, outstanding, intelligent citizens to run for public offices. Lacey, when will you be 35?
