Saturday, June 03, 2006

Updated Star Wars: New Republic character blog

I have begun a blog for my Star Wars character over at LiveJournal. This is just a little exersize to get me thinking like my character.

Chissa Noana is a green-skinned, dark-haired Mikoan. There's not a whole lot of cannon on the planet Miko or Mikoan culture, according to the Wookiepedia, so I will attempt to build an entire culture for my character.

Chissa has a snug place in the lives of some New Republic celebrities. She was the daughter of a governor and mercenary woman known as the Watcher. At a young age she was shuttled off her homeworld to study the art of political leadership. At this school she became freinds with Mon Mothma's daughter, Leida. Not long after leaving home, Miko was brutally taken over by the Empire. Freeing Miko has become Leida and Chissa's true cause.

But the friendship is rocky now. Chissa is working with a Bothan senator (Fey'lya, who happens to be indebted to the Watcher) who has promised he will work towards getting New Republic troops to free Miko. But this senator is a political enemy of Mon Mothma and her cabinet. Chissa is motivated by goodness, but she's a politician at heart, and this was her first backstab. The first of many, perhaps? Dun dun DUN!

This game will likely be short and whatever stunts Chissa will pull in it may be minor. But I'm proud of having a non-Jedi concept that has captured my imagination. That is mostly thanks to the gentle prodding of my esteemed storyteller. He has the hard job of building a little world for us to play in, and a plot to follow, and NPCs with character. It is a far more daunting task than mine, which is to build one single character.

There is an art to roleplaying and storytelling. Games are essentially interactive stories. It occurs to me now that though I spend a lot of hard-earned cash on my media (books, movies, games, music), the best by far is free. It's the people that make the difference.

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